Argus Apocraphex means "Hidden Giant" in Latin.I was wondering like you were a few months ago and I searched extensively on the net and found that this was the most correct among forums.It can also mean "away from light".
The hidden giant could mean in the Video there is a pregnant woman covered in a black bublle suit. She could be the hidden giant.
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WHAT DOES "FIND THE ARGUS APOCRAPHEX" MEAN???? I found that phrase hidden in my 30 Seconds To Mars CD pamphlet?Many artists write songs for the listeners to decipher in their own ways.. However, if it needs to be spelled out, the way I see it, which could be right or wrong, Argus Apocraphex is interpreted as hidden giant/stay away from the light -- meaning fighting and not giving up or succombing to the ligh
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To the warriors/keepers of gate we await is a similar theme of fighting and not giving up.
Fight for what you believe in and who you are. Hope this has helped. My interpretation, not necessarily correct, but THIS is what it means to me!! : )
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WHAT DOES "FIND THE ARGUS APOCRAPHEX" MEAN???? I found that phrase hidden in my 30 Seconds To Mars CD pamphlet?By the way, most of these "subliminal messages" are also featured in their videos.
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LMAO or just type in your browser to be directed to their fan site...
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The Argus Apocraphex is something the band has challenged us to find for years. I believe I have found it. It is not a thing, but a belief system...
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Well, I guess these phrases has something related to religious books, I saw that in Hurricane's Video ..
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I found this on the "this is war" album underneath the cd! this is kinda weird!
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