Argus is a giant with 100 eyes so he can see in every direction.
Medusa is a gorgon, that is, an immortal human-like female with snakes for hair. If you look at her face, you will be turned to stone. Perseus used a mirrored shield to look at her while fighting her, so that he did not look at her directly, and brought the head to the goddess Athena.
Python was a magical giant snake that guarded the earth's navel at the Oracle of Delphi. She was killed by the god Apollo, who then took over the Oracle.
Geryon, the grandson of Medusa, was a giant with 3 bodies, 3 heads, and 6 arms. He lived herding cattle on an island in the far West.What is a Argus,Medusa,Python and Geryon?
they are all mythical figures with one common to each other, it's their snakes. medusa is a evil woman who has a hair of snakes. python is a man which is more likely a python(hence it's name) all around it's body except that ha can walk. argus and geryon has a pet snakes attach to them and many othr kinds of snakes which they command to do bad things(that's why they said to be a traitor animal).
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