Monday, January 30, 2012

A balanced Mediterranean/flexitarian diet is more healthy than vegan/vegetarian,no? They eat dairy and fish?

Why? Because they live longer than vegans/vegetarians and frequent meat eatersA balanced Mediterranean/flexitarian diet is more healthy than vegan/vegetarian,no? They eat dairy and fish?

You're wrong.

The best diet int he world is one free of flesh and animal products, but high in fruits, vegetables, some grains, and healthy fats.

The reason a mediterranean diet has some good to it is that it includes a lot of olive oil.


You keep spouting crap but you don't back it up.

If dairy is supposed to be good, why?

Any reason you can come up with can be refuted with sound scientific evidence and anything good from milk can be found in plant sources WITHOUT all the bad that comes from milk. Period.

Same with fish.

This seems so simple to understand to me. Why do people have such a hard time grasping concepts that should be so simple?A balanced Mediterranean/flexitarian diet is more healthy than vegan/vegetarian,no? They eat dairy and fish?
I would say a lot of the reason is due to the high consumption of fruits, vegetables, and unsaturated fats (olive oil, avocados, etc...). Most people with a Western diet do not eat these in any significant quantity, however there are many people that eat fish in a Western diet. I would say a lot of people in the US have had little to no olive oil or avocados.

The definition from WebMD indicates it is pretty close to a vegetarian diet aside from fish and some meat/dairy. People from the Mediterranean are more likely to be lactose intolerant than Northern or Western European, so the dairy consumption would not be as much as those areas (probably why they listed only yogurt on that description).鈥?/a>
I would tend to agree with you. I've spent a lot of time in the Med and the surrounding cultures and the people are extremely healthy. I don't know if there are any statistical data supporting this though.

There is data that reports the healthiest diet as a culture belongs to the Okinawans . . . they would be considered ovo-lacto-pollo-pesco vegetarians although the ovo-lacto-pollo-pesco part is rather small.

But I do see the Med diet as extremely healthy because it is moderate and balanced.

I do like your use of the word "flexitarian". Most strict and preachy vegans would be considered "inflexitarians"?A balanced Mediterranean/flexitarian diet is more healthy than vegan/vegetarian,no? They eat dairy and fish?
This seems more like an opinion instead of a question. I guess you're forgetting the fact that many of us do it for ethical reasons. I wouldn't want hundreds of animals to die or be maltreated so I can live a few years longer. And I disagree with your statement anyway.

Why do you think health insurance companies are starting to offer discounts to vegans and vegetarians? Because they are healthier and generally live longer.A balanced Mediterranean/flexitarian diet is more healthy than vegan/vegetarian,no? They eat dairy and fish?
Why do you keep harping on about this? Have we sunk so low that we have to argue with each other about the best diet? If so, the vegans will win. You can find scientific evidence to back up pretty much any kind of diet (except the "If it's not meat, it's not food" diet) so all that's left is the battle for the moral high ground, and the vegans win that one hands down.

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