Tuesday, January 24, 2012

If a Mediterranean diet replaced Mcdonalds and KFC would that put an end to obesity?

Mediterranean fast food or meals scaled down to quick take awaysIf a Mediterranean diet replaced Mcdonalds and KFC would that put an end to obesity?
how about people eat sensibly and exercise|||Not necessarily. Not every diet works for every person. A diet isn't about cutting out things or fixating on one food, a diet is about exercising proper portion control and eating balanced meals. For some people, even this doesn't work and they really do need more extreme measures, but the ideal "diet" for most people is just to cut back on fast food, eat smaller portions, eat healthy foods, and exercise. If after a few months this isn't helping you, THEN you should consider going to a doctor and seeing if s/he thinks you should try a specialized diet.

And anytime a diet says you can "eat all you want and still lose weight", or that you should cut everything out to the inclusion of only one type of food, you should ditch that diet. Diets that claim the former aren't what they seem, and diets of the latter type are almost always going to starve your body of certain nutrients.|||Obesity is very complicated. Some people are on meds that cause weight gain; others may have very low metabolisms. It's not that simple.|||Yes,,.

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