Monday, January 30, 2012

Why did they claim the Mediterranean Diet was low in fat?

What isn't spoke about in the "real" Mediterranean Diet is that in Italy, they NEVER, ever used margarine. And they used "cold-pressed" olive oil instead of America's highly refined polyunsaturated vegetable and seed oils... which turn to trans-fats when heated. They never used "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" vegetable oils for shortening but they did use fresh lard from grass-fed or free-range fed pigs as shortening for breads and cooking. They even added seasonings to lard and used it to spread on bread. The free-range (not "hydrogenated") lard even provided a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which are severely lacking in the American diet.

Then Ancel Keys, who started the lipid hypothesis, moved to Italy and lived to 101 eating olive oil and butter and cheese. During the depression, (after WWII), in Italy, they consumed on average about 5 added ounces of fats per person per day... half olive oil and half saturated fat. That is no small amount of fat. Visitors to Italy make comments that the food appears to be "swimming in fat".

Why couldn't Ancel Keys see that the highly refined man-made fats might be the real source of heart disease?Why did they claim the Mediterranean Diet was low in fat?
the Raw Food Diet is the healthiest! youtube it!! Coconuts, spirulina, dulse, bee pollun, Kale, spinach, papaya, and sea vegetables are loaded with great nutrients!Why did they claim the Mediterranean Diet was low in fat?
Ive never seen a claim that the Med diet was low fat. All I ever see is that the primary source of fat is olive oil.

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